Kadi4Mat is the Karlsruhe Data Infrastructure for Materials Science, an open source software for managing research data. It is being developed as part of several research projects at the Institute for Applied Materials - Microstructure Modelling and Simulation (IAM-MMS) of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT).

The goal of this project is to combine the ability to manage and exchange data, the repository, with the possibility to analyze, visualize and transform said data, the electronic lab notebook (ELN). Kadi4Mat is supposed to support a close cooperation between experimenters, theorists and simulators, especially in materials science, and enable the acquisition of new knowledge and the development of novel materials. This is made possible by employing a modular and generic architecture, which allows to cover the specific needs of different scientists, each utilizing unique workflows. At the same time, this opens up the possibility to easily branch out into other disciplines in the future.

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The present instance of Kadi4Mat serves as a platform to exchange research results within the Competence Clusters Recycling & Green Battery (greenBatt) and Battery Utilisation Concepts (BattNutzung) Both clusters form the Cross-Sectional Initiative Battery Life Cycle (greenBattNutzung) under the umbrella concept of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) for battery research. Overall, researchers from a total of 63 institutes collaboratively work within 29 research projects. The instance is operated by the Institute of Machine Tools and Production Technology (IWF) of TU Braunschweig.
